Version History of Virtual Magnifying Glass for Windows

This is version 1.50f of Virtual Magnifying Glass for Windows

Virtual Magnifying Glass for Windows 1.50f (25-Jan-2000)

* Bugfixed version released as freeware for non-commercial use

Virtual Magnifying Glass for Windows 1.50 (25-Jan-2000)

* Menu contents changed, couple new menu features added
* Help file upgraded to html help (Windows 98, 2000 or IE4+ required to view html help)
* Compressed executable
* Windows 2000 compatibility tested

Virtual Magnifying Glass for Windows 1.20 (27-Aug-1999)

* In August 1999 a software company expressed their wish to release Magnifying
Glass as part of their product so I wrote a commercial version with bugfixes
* Memory waste bug fixed (program did not release memory when the lens was deactivated and after many activations and deactivations memory waste became remarkable)

Virtual Magnifying Glass for Windows 1.01 (25-Jan-1999)

* Based on the idea of the earlier experimental program I started making Virtual Magnifying Glass for Windows in December 1999
* The magnification process itself was quite easy to program, it required only couple of Windows API function calls, and I got it made in couple of days.
* The next step was to optimize the drawing (huh.. that was really required, the first version was SLOW)
* After the foundation was ready, I only needed to build a nice application on it.

MGlass (Magnifying Glass for Microsoft Windows) (22-Jul-1998)

* Initial realization of the idea, 269 lines of code
* Plain outlook
* Never released